
Hotel Technology Solutions. Simplified.


Guest Ban

  • Company

    Guest Ban
  • Products

    ID Scanning for Hospitality
  • Category

    Security & Safety
  • Overview

    "Guest Ban is designed to provide an extra layer of security and help hotels reduce incidents and enhance the guest experience."

    Mitul Poshia
    CEO & Founder, Guest Ban

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Take a proactive approach to guest issues

Instantly Capture Identification:

Streamline front desk operations and ensure data accuracy with automated transfer of guest information into your PMS.


Guest ID Management:

Ensures ID images and data are systematically archived for effortless handling during chargebacks or guest-related concerns.


Real-time Guest Alerts:

Provides instant notifications for underage guests, those with prior minor property offenses, active police warrants, and individuals with criminal records or major offenses.


Guest Ban Network:

Seamlessly links multiple properties for immediate alerts and integrates a hotel network with public criminal records for major offenses.


Incident Reporting:

Easily track and create detailed incident reports including damage cost, trespass notice, and images.

guest ban mock of id capture
mock of guest ban user interface

Improve security, reduce damages, and increase positive reviews by taking a proactive approach to guest issues, including crime, illicit activities, and human trafficking, by joining the Guest Ban network.